Our NMFG Member Christmas party is 14 December,5:30 to 10;00pm at El Patron Restaurant & Cantina, 10551 Montgomery Blvd NE, Albuquerque. If you plan to attend please call or email George by December 7.
October 2024 Workshop
We had 11 dedicated faceters at our October workshop. Lots of great work was accomplished and everyone received a door prize as well. There was rough for sale at super reduced prices that many of the group took advantage of. Finally, Andy had a couple of handouts for us. One handout was a Portuguese design and the other a set of links to videos covering a variety of topics. We’d like to thank our instructors – George, Andy, and Carsten – who do so much to make our time productive during the workshops.
Upcoming NMFG Regular Meeting – Nov 12
Our last regular meeting of 2024 will be on Tuesday, November 12. The meeting will start at 6:30pm and end promptly at 8:00pm. Nancy Attaway will have a presentation on the repairing of damaged gemstones. You do not want to miss this presentation. How in the world do you find the correct angle and index number to even get to the facet, to work on? We will also have a show and tell of your latest Master Gems. There will be several door prizes for the lucky members even if you don’t need anything, it will add to the other things you have that you do not need.
PLEASE RSVP to George so we will know how many members are coming.
The meeting will be held at our usual location –
North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center
7521 Carmel NE
Albuquerque, NM 87113
Please see the Welcome Page for directions.