Upcoming Faceting Workshop – Sept 22


The next NMFG faceting workshop will be Sunday, September 22nd, at the PlacitasCommunity Library, 453 Hwy 165, Placitas 87043, from 8:30 set up to 9 AM to 3 PM, workshop.  We’ll follow the usual format of spending most of the time at your machines.  Instructors will be available to assist anyone needing help.  The cost is $15.00 per person to cover the cost of materials, lunch, and part of the cost for the use of the library. Please RSVP no later than Thursday, September19th so we can do the necessary planning and know how many tables to set up.


Very important:  If you do not have a machine and want to come to the workshop you must let me know ASAP because there are only two available faceting machines, but instructors are limited.

Parking is in the gravel lot to the West side of the building.  You will enter the meeting room from the parking lot. You will be able to dump the wastewater in the dirt past the North end of the parking lot. There is a kitchen type setup where you will be able to get water.

Directions to the Placitas Community Library:  Go North on I-25 to exit 242.  Exit and go East 4.3 miles and you will see a Green and White sign pointing to the library.

If you have questions, call George at  505-867-0112

Google Link:


Upcoming Faceting Workshop – Aug 25


The next NMFG faceting workshop will be Sunday, August 25, at the Placitas Community Library, 453 Hwy 165, Placitas 87043, from 8:30 set up to 9 AM to 3 PM, workshop.  We’ll follow the usual format of spending most of the time at your machines.  Instructors will be available to assist anyone needing help.  The cost is $15.00 per person to cover the cost of materials, lunch, and part of the cost for the use of the library. Please RSVP no later than Thursday, August 22th so we can do the necessary planning and know how many tables to set up.

Very important:  If you do not have a machine and want to come to the workshop you must let George know ASAP because there are only two available faceting machines, and instructors are limited.

Parking is in the gravel lot to the West side of the building.  You will enter the meeting room from the parking lot. You will be able to dump the wastewater in the dirt past the North end of the parking lot. There is a kitchen type setup where you will be able to get water.

Directions to the Placitas Community Library:  Go North on I-25 to exit 242.  Exit and go East 4.3 miles and you will see a Green and White sign pointing to the library.

If you have Question, call or email George.

Google Link:


NMFG Regular Meeting Summary – July 9

We had great attendance for our Regular Meeting on July 9.  The highlight of the meeting was an outstanding and comprehensive presentation by Jan with help from Vikki that summarized their trip to Oregon where they visited sunstone mines. They brought back samples that we all got to check out after the meeting. You can download their presentation by clicking here. You will need to have PowerPoint installed on your machine to view the presentation.

We also raffled off three great door prizes at the end of the meeting.

Our next event will be a workshop on August 25.

Upcoming NMFG Regular Meeting – July 9

The presentation for our July 9 meeting will be “Mining for Sunstones” in Idaho and surrounding area.  Vikki will present photos and the stories of Jan’s and her trip to the West.  As Vikki said, this was a dream trip for Rockhounds.   We are planning a show-tell of your latest Master Gems as well.
 What would it take for our faceters to cut a stone and donate it to the Guild’s collection?  We would much appreciate a donation from each of our members for the collection.

PLEASE RSVP to George so we will know how many members are coming.

The meeting will be held at our usual location – 

North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center

7521 Carmel NE
Albuquerque, NM 87113

June 2024 Workshop

We had ten members at our June workshop. We had one completed gem during the workshop and a lot of good work and progress by everyone who attended. We want to thank our instructor/mentors – George, Andy, and Carsten – for their help and support.

June 2024 workshop
Members at work during the June 2024 workshop.

NMFG ALERT, Special Sale, FINAL Ernie’s Estate, June 22, 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon

To Only NMFG Paid Members,  Yes, a very short sale time.  There will be new rough material which will include Sapphires,  Emeralds and others that will be bided on.  All the remaining Laps (prices have been marked way down), dops, one machine, miscellaneous stuff as well as rough that has been offered before will be all sold as marked (OBO will be considered).
SAVE THE DATE AND TIME, SALE AT 3301 Camino de la Sierra, 87111

Upcoming Faceting Workshop – June 16

The next NMFG faceting workshop will be Sunday, June 16th at the Placitas Community Library, 453 Hwy 165, Placitas 87043, from 8:30 set up to 9 AM to 3 PM, workshop.  We’ll follow the usual format of spending most of the time at your machines.  Instructors will be available to assist anyone needing help.  The cost is $15.00 per person to cover the cost of materials, lunch, and part of the cost for the use of the library. Please RSVP no later than Wednesday, June 12th, so we can do the necessary planning and know how many tables to set up.


Very important:  If you do not have a machine and want to come to the workshop you must let me know ASAP because there are only two available faceting machines and instructors are limited.

Parking is in the gravel lot to the West side of the building.  You will enter the meeting room from the parking lot. You will be able to dump the wastewater in the dirt past the North end of the parking lot. There is a kitchen type setup where you will be able to get water.

Directions to the Placitas Community Library:  Go North on I-25 to exit 242.  Exit and go East 4.3 miles and you will see a Green and White sign pointing to the library.

If you have Question call me         505-867-0112

George Franzen

Google Link:


Upcoming Faceting Workshop – May 12

This workshop has been  Cancelled.  Please see George’s email for details. George sent an email and there is a post here on the website about rescheduling the workshop to June 16th.


The next NMFG faceting workshop will be Sunday, May 12, at the Placitas Community Library, 453 Hwy 165, Placitas 87043, from 8:30 set up to 9 AM to 3 PM, workshop.  We’ll follow the usual format of spending most of the time at your machines.  Instructors will be available to assist anyone needing help.  The cost is $15.00 per person to cover the cost of materials, lunch, and part of the cost for the use of the library. Please RSVP no later than Wednesday, May 8th so we can do the necessary planning and know how many tables to set up.

Very important:  If you do not have a machine and want to come to the workshop you must let me know ASAP because there are only two available faceting machines, but instructors are limited.

Parking is in the gravel lot to the West side of the building.  You will enter the meeting room from the parking lot. You will be able to dump the wastewater in the dirt past the North end of the parking lot. There is a kitchen type setup where you will be able to get water.

Directions to the Placitas Community Library:  Go North on I-25 to exit 242.  Exit and go East 4.3 miles and you will see a Green and White sign pointing to the library.

If you have Question call me         505-867-0112

George Franzen

April Workshop

We had ten people at our workshop on April 14. About half the group was experienced faceters and the other half of the group was folks learning faceting. One of the experienced members finished a gem during the workshop. See pictures below.

Started by Ernie, completed by Carsten
April 2024
Likely yellow apatite
2 carats
7.5 mm square
Material origin unknown
Activity during the April workshop