2019 Workshop and Meeting Schedule!


Monday, January 14
Monday, March 11
Monday, May 13
Monday, July 08
Monday, September 09
Monday, November 18 (3rd Monday)


Sunday, February 24
Sunday, April 14
Sunday, June 09
Sunday, August 11
Sunday, October 13
Sunday, December 08

Our Holiday Banquet is scheduled to be on December 14, 2019 at 6pm. Location is TBD.

Our meetings are held at the North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center.

Our workshops are held at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science.

March NMFG meeting 3/21 7pm

Monday, March 21, 2016 at the Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center (MMMC) at 7 PM.

This is a onetime shift from our usual 2 nd Monday of the month to the 3 rd Monday for March only. This is also a new location for us.

The MMMC is located at 501 Elizabeth Street SE, ABQ NM 87123. It is the huge building south east from CostCo.

2016 Treasures of the Earth show

Come by this weekend, lots of rocks, gems and jewelry and 3 days of faceting demonstrations.

Creative arts building at the fairground. Hours are: 10 am to 6 pm Friday and Saturday; 10 am to 5 pm Sunday.  20160317_151009

Ernie and Carsten setting up.

Welcome to the new NMFG website

I switched us over to WordPress, the old website was too clunky to update.

Anyone wanting to help with website design, content etc, please stop by the faceting demonstration this weekend at the Gem and Mineral show!


For new members/interested new folks: The next meeting will be this coming Monday, March 21, 2016 at the Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center (MMMC) at 7 PM.  This is a onetime shift from our usual 2 nd Monday of the month to the 3 rd Monday for March only. This is also a new location for us. The MMMC is located at 501 Elizabeth Street SE, ABQ NM 87123. It is the huge building south east from CostCo.

Meet a bunch of the guild memebrs, see some georgous stones folsk have cut. The presentation for this meeting will be a video about Ruby mining.

Membership applications – memberships expired December 31 so bring your checkbook to pay our annual dues of $20, or send your check to me at 8305 Comanche Court, ABQ. NM 87110-2311.

